..the teaching is protected and cannot constitute
a danger to the general public. Students in the immediate future will have to search out the teaching in all the many volumes
and hunt most carefully for the details.. RI. DK.
.. there is, however, great need for you to
collect and tabulate the scattered information so that you can register it as a whole.. RI. DK.
Pay attention to how widely the net of the Teaching
is spread. Let people, according to their custom, hide the source; this is not important. It is useful that the Teaching be
spread by unexpected ways to various parts of Earth. We can already point out such growth; and such affirmation becomes the
best crown for the present day. Let us not wonder that the roots are growing beyond visibility, this quality shall be the
true pledge of vitality. Can the paths of the Teaching be traced? A magnet acts according to its own laws. But from the mountain
I can see the filling of space, and thus I can greet you. Master Morya. Heart.
530. It is right to assign to co-workers the collecting
of parts from the Books of the Teaching pertaining to separate subjects. Thus two results will be achieved they will read
the books more attentively and they will ponder as to what is pertinent to each different subject. In time one could collate
these excerpts for inexpensive separate publications. The Teaching of "Living Ethics" is needed in diverse strata of people.
FW III. Master Morya.
Students would do well to remember that in the
reading of any basic textbook (and this one is so regarded) a definite procedure should be adopted. The student should first
of all read the textbook as a whole, in order to grasp its outstanding points, its main lines of teaching, and the three or
four propositions upon which its entire structure is founded. Having grasped these, he can then begin to deal with, and to
isolate, those subsidiary points which serve to elucidate and clarify the main essentials. After that, he can successfully
deal with the details. Students therefore would find it of interest to review these instructions, and gather out of them the
major points; then they can proceed to fill in the secondary teachings, and finally arrange the detailed data under the various
heads which have emerged. This, when completed would constitute a synopsis of the book and would fix the knowledge it contains
firmly in the student's memory. Master DK. TWM.
The Great Invocation:
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Many religions believe in a World Teacher or Saviour,
knowing him under such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, the Bodhisattva, and the Messiah, and these
terms are used in some of the Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish versions of the Great Invocation.
and women of goodwill throughout the world are using this Invocation in their own language.
Will you join them in using the Invocation
every day - with thought and dedication?
By using the Invocation and encouraging others to use it, no particular group
or organisation is sponsored. It belongs to all humanity.